Our road to success-
A collaborative class blog for students, parents, family and friends of Room 20 to keep in contact, communicate and share ideas, work and fun!
Wrapping the rope around the arm can result in a broken bone and loss of blood flow. Wrapping the rope around the wrong part of the body can cause internal injury, and wrapping it around the neck is just ... (yes, people are that stupid).
Spikes and studs in the footware can cause injury when a pull collapses. They can also cause strains and breaks if the feet get stuck in the ground.
When running an informal event it might be tempting to have loops in the rope. I prefer not, due to the risk of someone being unable to release the rope if they need to.
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The Grip
An underhand grip, with the arms fully extended, should be used. The grip is only to connect the puller with the rope. If you try to use arm strength you will soon get tired and lose your grip.
Tug of war is not a pulling event but a pushing event: you push with your legs and dragging the rope (and opposition) with you. Keep your arms and body straight so that the full power of your legs are transferred the rope.
Strength and Stamina
Your will need both strength and stamina to win. At the top levels of tug of war, teams may be stationary for for many minutes, locking their position as in arm wrestling. It hurts!
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Team work
Tug of War is a team event which needs all members of the team to work together. There is no point in one member pulling when the others are holding, since he is trying to pull his teams as well as the opposition. All pull together when the coach calls for a pull.Explanations
Your task this week is to create your 'habitat information sheet'
To do this you need to research your habitat and put all the relevant information together into one A4 page. You also need a photograph/drawing or image of your habitat. You can choose to do a specific habitat i.e. amazon rainforest, peak of Mt Everest, Antarctica, Cheronobyl Disaster Area, etc IF YOU DO NOT FINSIH DURING THIS TIME IT IS YOUR HOMEWORK TONIGHT!!! Remeber you must include the following if it is relevant to your habitat
Climate (Temperature, Day length, sun time/exposure, rainfall, air pressure, gravity, weather, wind, grass/sand/snow/soil what does it walk on etc, night hours, dark/light, seasons)
Challenges Advantages Plants/vegetation (that grow there) Animals/organism (that live there) Common adaptations Where can it get...
Water Air Sun Also remeber your MRS C GREN- Your creature msut be able to do all of these life processes! Example information sheet(This is very basic- Yours will be a lot more detailed, with more information) Example 1- Information Sheet