Monday, 19 October 2015

Class Newspaper, Week 2, News Article

Within the pages of a newspaper, the reader will find a wide variety of writing styles. These styles vary depending on the type of information and the purpose of the message. This week each student in Room 20 will be choosing a topic/event/focus and writing a News Article.

News articles cover the basics of current events. They answer the questions: who, what, where, how, and when?

Hard news stories/articles - Term 4 Week 2 List of Possible Stories

The following is a brief summary of the major characteristics of this.

  • Inverted pyramid structure; 5 Ws and H (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) in lead, other details in descending order of importance
  • Adheres to accepted grammatical conventions
  • Written by reporters
  • Objective, facts-only reporting (No I's)
  • Purpose is to inform
  • can be local, national or international
  • Uses quotes
  • A local news article focuses on what's going on in your neighborhood. An example of a local news story would be an article on a city council meeting or news at Berkley e.g. new principal or news happening at Berkley.
  • A national news article focuses on what's happening in the United States. An example of a national news article would be an article on the U.S. Senate passing a new bill.
  • An international news article focuses on news that's happening outside the United States. A story on an influenza outbreak in Chile would be considered an international news story.

You will need to:

Read several newspaper articles and identify/describe the common conventions of this writing genre.

Create and ask questions in an interview to gather information and detail for a newspaper article.

Write a simple newspaper article with paragraphs to separate the main ideas.

      *See the Room 13 page for your task today

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